Online Portfolio Toolkit

Your Guide in Building Your RPMS-PPST Online Portfolio
By Marlon L. Lalaguna, Master Teacher I

Welcome to this journey of building your own online portfolio! This toolkit is designed to help you create your online portfolio in organizing your documents and reports as your means of verification during the actual performance assessment and examination of your teaching portfolio with the use of the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) tools.

The Online Portfolio  

Online portfolio, also known as electronic portfolio or digital portfolio, is a collection of carefully selected artifacts or evidences of your best works published on the Internet through an application, website or blogsite platform. Instead of printing your evidences, you will just have to upload and organize them in your online portfolio.

Procedure in Online Portfolio Development
1. Are you ready to start creating your online portfolio? Follow the procedure below:
2. We will use the Blogger as your platform for building your online portfolio.  Go to this site to sign-up and create your account:

3. You will be confronted by the homepage of the Blogger website. Click the CREATE YOUR BLOG button.   You will be required to sign-in with your Google account. Just in case you don’t have yet your Google account, go to this link to sign-up. 

4. Fill in the required information and confirm your account.

5. After logging in with your Google account, you can now start working with your first blogsite. Fill in the title and desired URL address, choose your blog template, then click the Create Blog! button.

6. You will now encounter the Dashboard view of your Blogger account. Click New Post button on the top left corner of the screen and start working on your first electronic portfolio post. 
7. Create your welcome post. Look at the sample below:

Tip: You can improve the appearance of your blogsite by customizing the Layout and Theme in your Dashboard.

8. You are now good to go! we ca start posting the contents of your online portfolio. but, before that, you need to select first the artifacts that should be included in your portfolio. Remember that the contents of your teaching portfolio should be aligned to the current RPMS-IPCRF objectives and key result areas according to your position. The following are the key result areas (KRAs) both for Teacher I – III and Master Teacher I – IV:
9. Please refer to the following sample of Means of Verification (MOV) that are required for every objective under a particular Key Result Area (KRA):
For Teacher I-III:
Key Result Area (KRA)
Means of Verification (MOV)
Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
1.      Applied knowledge and content within and across curriculum teaching areas.
1.       Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet
and/or inter-observer agreement form about
knowledge of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas
2.       Lesson plans/modified DLLs developed
highlighting integration of content knowledge
within and across subject areas
3.       Instructional materials highlighting mastery of
content and its integration in other subject areas
4.       Performance tasks/test material(s) highlighting
integration of content knowledge within and
across subject areas
5.       Others (Please specify and provide annotations)

For Master Teacher I-IV:

Key Result Area (KRA)
Means of Verification (MOV)
Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
1.      Modeled effective applications of content knowledge within and across curriculum teaching areas.
1.       1. Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet
and/or inter-observer agreement form about
effective applications of content knowledge
within and across curriculum teaching areas
2.       Lesson plans/modified DLLs used in
demonstration teaching highlighting integration
content knowledge within and across subject
3.       Instructional materials developed highlighting
effective application of content knowledge
within and across subject areas
4.       Performance tasks/test material(s) used in
demonstration teaching highlighting integration
of content knowledge within and across subject
5.       Results of assessment used in demonstration
teaching highlighting mastery of lessons
6.       Others (Please specify and provide annotations)

10. Create a tab for each Key Result Area (KRA) and start creating and publishing a post for each tab, showcasing your artifacts, which are your Means of Verification (MOV). Look at the sample online portfolio below:

1.      11. Remember to choose the artifacts or evidences that will best meet the requirements of each objective.

2.      To see the actual sample online teaching portfolio, please go to this link: The 21st Century Teacher

You did it! Congratulations! Now, you are ready to collect and organize your MOVs through your online portfolio. This will serve also as our online platform to collaborate with our fellow teachers, particularly in mentoring and coaching, sharing of teaching resources and best practices, peer critiquing and even problem solving.

Download this Toolkit from this link.

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